GetFiveStars Release Notes – September 2016

Ding! We’ve got some new features for you in our platform this month. Here are a few of the new capabilities we’ve been cooking up in our labs and are now available.

new feature scientist

Repeat Customer Feedback

Many of you have businesses where you interact with your customers frequently, and want to be able to capture feedback from the same customer over time. The ability to capture more than one feedback per customer is important to many of you, so we’ve added it.

Second Email Follow-up

I know many of you have been waiting patiently for this one – we were almost done with this feature and then ended up revising a whole section of it to make it more streamlined and make the settings screen cleaner. I’m sorry it took longer than we wanted, but I think you’ll be happy with how it turned out!

By default, if you send out a feedback request to a customer and they don’t respond, GetFiveStars will send a reminder email out 3 days later (you can adjust this, or turn it off).

Our research shows that if you follow up with customers who don’t respond with one more reminder a week or two later, you will get many more responses. It seems three is the magic number. This new feature adds a “Second Reminder” that allows you to turn on a new follow-up email to remind customers who have not responded yet.


Note:  The Second Reminder Email is turned “off” in your account by default, so you will need to go and turn in “on” and adjust the days setting to start using it.

You may have noticed in the screen shot above that the settings screens look a little different. We did an overhaul of the settings screens to make them much more “presentable”. We aligned the text and checkboxes, and all the elements on the screen, and added collapsible sections in all of the settings screens to make things more tidy. We hope you like it!

“Replied” Tag

With the Public and Private response to feedback capability we launched a few months ago, many of you asked for a quick and easy way to identify which customers you have already responded to. In addition to the Filters in the Customer Dashboard, we’ve added a “Replied” tag to every customer that you have already replied to.


Email Opened Logged in Activity Log

We’ve added the ability to see if your customer has opened the feedback request email now. You can see it in the “Activity Log” section of the Customer Profile.


Back To The Lab

Ok, that’s it for this month’s release notes. Thanks again for all of your excellent feedback and suggestions. We love nothing more than to hear your ideas and make GetFiveStars a little better for you each month.  We have more features in the works so stay tuned.

Join Us On Our Monthly Customer Webinars

Each month, we publish “release notes” to share the new features and capabilities we’ve released in GetFiveStars. We also cover these in our monthly webinars, where we show demos and answer questions about them.  Join our next webinar to see a deeper walk through if these new features and to ask questions about them.

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We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.