Give Your Business the Edge By Scheduling a GetFiveStars Customer Success Demo

The goal of the Customer Success department at GetFiveStars is to ensure the success of your business. Two of the most powerful tools we offer are our pre-sales demo and concierge meeting.

Businesses that take advantage of these are some of the most successful GetFiveStars users. Let’s take a closer look at each of the demos we offer. We’ll even share the thoughts of a customer who took advantage of both.

GetFiveStars Presales Demo:

A GetFiveStars demo generally takes 25-30 minutes and is available to anyone who is interested. You can join the demo on your computer. Audio options include connecting by headset or phone.

Prospective GetFiveStars customers are the most common people scheduling our demo – but they are available to existing customers as well.

Some of the common topics covered in a demo:

  • What does GetFiveStars do?
  • How will it work in my industry?
  • Integrations – how do I automate the process?
  • Feedback Request Methods (Email or Text?)
  • Reseller Opportunities
  • Pricing
  • Plenty of time set aside for Q&A

The pre-sales demo from a customer’s perspective:

“I wasn’t even sure what “reputation management” meant when I first reached out to GetFiveStars – I only knew I had a great product and happy customers, yet very few online reviews. By participating in the [GetFiveStars pre-sales] demo I felt more confident with my decision to move ahead with getting my bakery signed up. I understood what to expect and how much it was going to cost. If I hadn’t signed up for the demo I would still be in the “pre-planning” and decision making stage.”
– Verg M. of Verg’s Bakery Westside

All are welcome to sign up for a GetFiveStars demonstration, view our available demo times.

GetFiveStars Concierge Meeting

A GetFiveStars concierge meeting generally takes 40-50 minutes and is available to any interested GetFiveStars customer. You can join the demo on your computer. Audio options include connecting by headset or phone.

Current customers interested in fine-tuning their GetFiveStars account are ideal candidates for a GetFiveStars concierge meeting. Taking the time to schedule a concierge meeting is one of the easiest ways to ensure a successful experience with GetFiveStars!

Some of the common topics covered in a concierge meeting:

  • Walk-through and explanation of the GetFiveStars application
  • Choosing the right feedback method for your business and industry
  • Check setup and make optimization suggestions
  • Detailed explanation of features
  • Addressing specific questions or concerns
  • Plenty of time set aside for Q&A

The concierge meeting from a customer’s perspective:

“After signing up for GetFiveStars, I was eager to begin using the system, but wanted to make sure that I had things setup correctly. I signed up for a concierge demo [meeting] which was great. They looked over all of my templates and settings and made sure things were optimized for my business. They answered all the questions that I brought to the demo and some that occurred to me while we chatted. When the concierge demo [meeting] was over, I felt completely comfortable requesting feedback from my first customer. ”
Verg M. of Verg’s Bakery Westside

All new customers can sign-up for a GetFiveStars concierge meeting, view our available meeting times.

We hope you take advantage of our pre-sales demo and concierge meeting to get the most out of your GetFiveStars experience. Ensuring the success of your business helps to ensure the success of ours.

We look forward to working with you soon!



We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.