May 2022 Agency Webinar Recap: Agency Resources & Tools to help you grow

On May 19th, 2022 GatherUp hosted our first agency-only webinar of the year. It was an important webinar because we brought new agency resources, tools and sales tips to the audience with the goal of helping our partners grow and scale. 

Thank you to those who attended and registered. We had great engagement within the Q&A. And if you couldn’t make it you can watch the webinar below. 

You can also download the slides from this webinar here.

Watch the May 2022 Agency Webinar

May 2022 Agency Webinar Agenda

The agency webinar began with an introduction to our new Agency Resources tab within the agency dashboard (4:10). This provides agencies easier access to the tools, templates, documents and information to help them grow and keep clients satisfied. 

Earlier in the week we officially launched the Reputation Scorecard (6:00). Also available in the agency dashboard, this report helps agencies build value with prospective clients and give them the talking points needed to close the deal. The scorecard can also be a great benchmarking tool for clients because it provides a comparison of a client’s online reputation versus competitors. 

Chris Walker, GatherUp Sales Team Lead, walked through his best sales tips for pitching the Reputation Scorecard (8:02). 

Then Walker presented his “Anatomy of the Sale.” (15:05) Chris highlighted the keys to uncover pain points, find solutions, and ultimately earn a new client through a thoughtful closing strategy. His process is a simple, yet effective way to sell your online reputation management solution.

Lastly, we discussed all-in-one Social Media management solution Sendible. (31:20) We’ve been successfully matching GatherUp agencies with Sendible and agencies are loving it! Sendible is owned by Traject, the same owner of GatherUp. Partners using both solutions will earn a discount. Email Chris if you are a GatherUp customer wanting a Sendible demo and he’ll connect you.

On May 19th, 2022 GatherUp hosted our first agency-only webinar of the year. It was an important webinar because we brought new agency resources, tools and sales tips to the audience with the goal of helping our partners grow and scale. 

Thank you to those who attended and registered. We had great engagement within the Q&A. And if you couldn’t make it you can watch the webinar below. 

You can also download the slides from this webinar here.

Watch the May 2022 Agency Webinar

May 2022 Agency Webinar Agenda

The agency webinar began with an introduction to our new Agency Resources tab within the agency dashboard (4:10). This provides agencies easier access to the tools, templates, documents and information to help them grow and keep clients satisfied. 

Earlier in the week we officially launched the Reputation Scorecard (6:00). Also available in the agency dashboard, this report helps agencies build value with prospective clients and give them the talking points needed to close the deal. The scorecard can also be a great benchmarking tool for clients because it provides a comparison of a client’s online reputation versus competitors. 

Chris Walker, GatherUp Sales Team Lead, walked through his best sales tips for pitching the Reputation Scorecard (8:02). 

Then Walker presented his “Anatomy of the Sale.” (15:05) Chris highlighted the keys to uncover pain points, find solutions, and ultimately earn a new client through a thoughtful closing strategy. His process is a simple, yet effective way to sell your online reputation management solution.

Lastly, we discussed all-in-one Social Media management solution Sendible. (31:20) We’ve been successfully matching GatherUp agencies with Sendible and agencies are loving it! Sendible is owned by Traject, the same owner of GatherUp. Partners using both solutions will earn a discount. Email Chris if you are a GatherUp customer wanting a Sendible demo and he’ll connect you.



We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.