March 2019 Customer Webinar Recap

With updates, demos, and discussion on the latest features and upcoming plans for GatherUp, there was plenty to cover during the March Customer Webinar.

March 2019 Customer Webinar Agenda

  • NEW Review Widget designs are headed into BETA.
  • TextBack has launched. Take a look at how it works.
  • Navigation updated to include Requests Menu.
  • Get a sneak peek of the Insights Report.

Below are the slides from the webinar.

Thank you to those that joined us!

You can always find past webinars like this on our blog as well as signup for future ones on our webinars page.



We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.