Combine WiseStamp With GetFiveStars For Great Looking Emails & Feedback

I love finding great tools that work incredibly well with our own customer feedback and reviews offering. The combo I’m outlining today will not only make your daily emails look better, it will add action to them as well.

This is my email signature.  It looks super pro, promotes my latest blog post and also offers an easy link for customers to give us feedback at any time. Win, win, win.

great email signature

WiseStamp is a beautiful and easy email signature generator that works across all of your popular email clients including Outlook, Mac mail, iPhone and more.  They have a free version that covers the basics, but the big value to me is their Pro offering ($6 per month, paid annually) with it’s numerous options.

WiseStamp and GetFiveStars Together

The Pro options include dynamic content in your email signature, social icons and dozens more.  The one option that relates to us is the ability to request feedback in your email signature.  Now you can already do this with our Short URL in a regular email signature, but it won’t look anywhere near as great as WiseStamp does.

Step 1:  Create your account and pay for the Pro plan.

Step 2:  Customize your signature with theme options, contact information options and more.

Step 3:  Select “Tools” under the Signature Apps section in the lower left and click on “Give Us Feedback”

wisestamp feedback

Step 4:  Complete the required information in the setting box.  Add your title/text, your link (this will be your Short URL from the Feedback Settings Page in GetFiveStars) and select an icon.

wisestamp give feedback setting

Step 5:  Hit SAVE and you are ready to export your signature into your email client(s) and start sending great looking emails that have your feedback call to action in every one.

email signature

You’re all set with better looking emails and another way to capture customer feedback and improve your business.



We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.