Huge Update: New Email Request Modes & Designs

Our team is extremely excited to announce the launch of our new feedback and review request modes that have been over 6 months in the making. There is a lot to cover with this update, but I promise you’ll want to read every word of it.

review request modes

The Why & The Focus

The biggest why is that we care about helping every customer of ours listen to their customers. We are constantly exploring more and better ways to connect your business to your customers. With constant testing, we have bundled both new feedback flows and new email/page designs that we know will impact your success.

Our focus behind the update:

  • Results:  We want as many of your customers to respond, rate and review your business as possible. We have seen gains of 30% up to 100% for feedback and reviews.
  • Simplicity:  We have offered these modes in our product for a while, but they were not easy to understand or use. Now they are.
  • Efficiency: Our editors are brand new and now laid out in a step by step process making managing and editing them easier.
  • Design: All of our emails and landing pages have an updated and clean design you can brand with your logo and an accent color.
  • Choice: Some of our customers want to focus on more 3rd-party reviews (Google, Facebook), some on NPS, some on 1st-party reviews (testimonials), some on survey questions and now you can pick a mode to match your focus, and easily switch between them too.

While we want every customer on our platform to switch to one of the new request modes right away, we will be leaving the current request mode in the product for now. You will see it’s called “Legacy mode” and has all of your current content.  You can even switch back to it from a new mode for the time being.  Eventually “Legacy mode” will go away, we’ll update you on that in the future.

New Branding Controls

With this feature update we have added a dedicated page to control your brand elements in our platform.  Go to SETTINGS and then select BRAND & COLORS to make these customizations.  Once you set them on this page, they will inform all of your email and landing page templates. The new email and landing page designs are clean and beautiful, especially when you put your branding touch on them.

brand color settings

  1. Add your logo, this appears on all email and landing pages in the process
  2. Select your “Accent color”, this should be one of your brand or logo colors that will show in smaller elements of the emails and landing pages. The default color is gray.
  3. Add an optional header image, that will appear in specific templates (it’s not in every step of the process). If you do not want a header image in your templates, simply leave this setting blank.

Getting Started With The New Modes

To get started with the new modes, go to SETTINGS and then select REQUEST MODES from the drop down.  This is a new page in the navigation – we have removed the Email Templates page and also removed any editing from the Feedback Settings page.  Every step to edit is now in one place.

request mode selection

All editing of the feedback flow will now take place in the REQUEST MODES page.

Once on the REQUEST MODES page you will see your current selection as “Legacy Mode” within the left side mode menu, and the steps in the flow to edit are on the right.

  1.  Select the mode you want to edit and use based on your objectives.  Each mode has a brief description on it’s focus and we will go very in-depth on those later in this post.
  2.  Once your mode is selected, you will see every step in the process for that mode. Emails and landing pages each have their own step, to which you click EDIT and then change the content as you wish.

Note:  We have updated our default content for each mode with subject lines and body content that we have found to be short, clear and concise.  While you can make edits as needed, most businesses will find the default content more than adequate. Also note that each flow has it’s own content – so if you change something in Ultimate Mode it will not effect the content in Direct Mode, for example.

When moving to new modes, you will need to select a mode for each location.   With this switch the steps have changed in each mode so you will have to configure each step again.  The new and improved flow made it impossible to map over your existing Legacy Mode content.  We know this creates a little more work right now, but the results will be worth it.

Now let’s take a deeper look at each of the new modes and what they offer.

Ultimate Mode

Ultimate Mode closely mirrors our current default set-up.  One major change is we moved the Net Promoter Score Question into the feedback request email.  Instead of the “Give Feedback” button in the initial email request, the NPS question is now there one click closer to the customer.

Ultimate request mode

Ultimate Mode gets its name because it allows you to leverage every aspect of our platform.

Primary Focus:  Complete customer experience data capture with Net Promoter Score, survey questions and 1st-party reviews (testimonials).

Secondary Focus: Generate 3rd-party reviews on sites like Google, Facebook, the BBB, Houzz, etc.

Ultimate Mode is a 3-step process for the consumer.

  1. Feedback request email with NPS question (ability for 2 auto-reminders)
  2. Survey questions (up to 4, optional), open text feedback field to generate 1st-party reviews
  3. Happy customers are asked for a 3rd-party online review, unhappy customers are asked for more information on what went wrong


Review Mode

Review Mode closely mirrors our current “Ratings Only” option in our feedback settings.  The NPS question is in the feedback request email allowing you to capture NPS and then ask happy customers for a 3rd-party review and unsatisfied customers for information on what went wrong.

Review request mode

Primary Focus:  A quick process to  request a 3rd-party review on Google, Facebook or other online sites after capturing Net Promoter Score.

Secondary Focus:  With an option to have a “Direct Feedback” button on the review request landing page, you can capture 1st-party reviews to display on your website.  Based on the flow of this mode it will generate more 3rd-party review opportunities than 1st-party reviews (testimonials).

Review Mode is a two-step process for the consumer.

  1. Feedback request email with NPS question (ability for 2 auto-reminders)
  2. Happy customers are asked for a 3rd-party online review with an option to show a button for “Direct Feedback” to generate 1st-party reviews as well. Unhappy customers are asked for more information on what went wrong


Direct Mode

Just as the name suggests, direct mode gets right to the point.  The very first email request features the request for 3rd-party reviews (Google, Facebook, etc.) and the option for direct feedback to the business to generate 1st-party reviews (testimonials).

direct review request

With the review requests right up front, we strongly suggest that you first understand your customer’s satisfaction with your service or product.  We recommend you run Ultimate or Review Mode first and capture NPS over time to ensure the vast majority of your customers are happy.  Our rule of thumb is Direct Mode is perfect for a business with a NPS over 80.

Primary Focus:  Review requests for 3rd-party and 1st-party reviews in the very first feedback request email. (There is no NPS question first in this mode.)

Secondary Focus: If the consumer chooses to leave direct feedback, you can capture all of the customer experience data from Ultimate Mode.  NPS, survey questions (optional and activated from Ultimate Mode) and 1st-party reviews.  Happy customers at the end of leaving Direct Feedback will be asked again for a 3rd-party review.

Direct Mode is 1-step process as the review request is right in the first email to the consumer.

Direct Mode has two different options in the initial email.  You are able to select the order of your 3rd-party reviews site buttons and the 1st-party review site button.  Selecting “top” will put the “Direct Feedback” button at the top of the template, selecting “bottom” will put it below the 3rd-party review site buttons.

If you have a good base from capturing Net Promoter Score and score above 80, Direct Mode might be a perfect fit to generate a solid balance of 3rd-party and 1st-party reviews.

More, More, More

As you can see, the new Request Modes are a huge improvement from top to bottom. We hope you make the change to a new request mode right away to capitalize on the benefits of more responses and reviews from your customers.

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We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.