November 2017 Customer Webinar – Feedback Modes Launch, Twitter Monitoring, and More…

Woohoo! We’ve launched our new Feedback Modes, with new email and landing page designs and I think you are going to like what you see.

After refining the feedback and review flows, and redesigning the emails and landing pages, and providing new default content, we are seeing much higher results across the board. Higher open rates. Higher 1st-party and 3rd-party review rates.

Our focus for this release is:
Results:  We want as many of your customers to respond, rate and review your business as possible.

Design: All of our emails and landing pages have an updated, clean, professional design you can brand with your logo and an accent color.

Focus: Some of our customers want to focus on more 3rd-party reviews (Google, Facebook), some on NPS, some on 1st-party reviews (testimonials), some on survey questions and now you can pick a mode to match your focus, and easily switch between them too.

Watch the webinar video recording to see the demos and discussions

New capabilities and features

In addition to the Feedback Modes, we also discussed new and updated features such as our improved customer uploader that allows you to map input fields and Twitter Monitoring. So be sure to watch the webinar recording to see demos and lots of great Q&A about all the new stuff.

View The Webinar Slides

Thanks for catching up with us in the November webinar!  We have these webinars monthly – you can watch past ones and join the next on our Webinar page.

p.s. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel! Subscribe here our new YouTube Channel. We promise to keep posting interesting stuff there, including new feature updates, pro tips, webinar recordings and more!



We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.