Customer Webinar: April 2017 – New Reports Sneak Peek

This month we provided a “sneak peek” into something we’ve been working very hard on – our new Reporting Engine, which will be available platform wide on May 1st. In the webinar, Don showed a demo of all the new reports and their capabilities like custom date ranges, comparisons, save to PDF, and more.

reports GetFiveStars

Mike and Aaron shared some industry updates about real-time reputation management, Facebook Reviews, Google highlighting businesses with better reviews, and KPIs for local. We also answered a ton of great questions from the attendees.

Watch The Webinar Video Recording To See The New Reports

New Reports

In the recording, you’ll see that we’ve completely redesigned our reports, and added a bunch of new reports too. Here’s a list of the reporting changes:

  1. Redesigned Business Report
  2. Redesigned Performance Report
  3. New NPS Report
  4. New NPS Comparison Report
  5. Redesigned Reviews Report
  6. New Reviews Comparison Report

These new reports are more visually striking, easier to use, feature custom date ranges, export options and more.

Reputation, Reviews and Local Search Industry Updates

If you’ve been with us for very long, you know we follow the local digital marketing industry very closely and love to share our thoughts and research on our blog in our webinars too. This month, Aaron talked about how being proactive with customer feedback and online reviews could have saved Chipotle millions of dollars, He also shared some details on how Facebook Reviews are bolstering Facebook recommendations.

Mike shared a case study and discussed some key performance indicators (KPIs) that are relevant for local, and also word of mouth makes a huge difference in local attribution.

The complete list of articles, research and blog posts they drew from is below:

View The Webinar Slides

Thanks for catching up with us on the April webinar!  We have these webinars monthly – you can watch past ones and join the next on our Webinar page.

p.s. We just need a few more subscribers to get our own URL on our YouTube Channel. Would you subscribe and help us get there! Thank you! Subscribe to our new YouTube Channel. We will be posting new feature updates, pro tips, and webinar recordings there.



We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.