Automate GatherUp With Zapier

We are very excited to share that GatherUp has an official Zapier app to help you automate your reputation management work with ease.  Zapier is the fastest and easiest way to integrate GatherUp with hundreds of other popular web applications like Quickbooks Online, MailChimp, Gmail, Square, Salesforce and more.  All without writing a single line of code.

zapier app gatherup

Automate Adding Customers To GatherUp

We have outlined in the past how to use Zapier to automate customers flowing into GatherUp from other platforms so you can send feedback requests to those customers without lifting a finger.

  • Send a feedback request after a Freshbooks invoice is sent
  • Send a feedback request after a customer is added to MailChimp
  • Send a feedback request after a customer is invoiced in Quickbooks Online
  • Send a feedback request when a customer is added to Google sheets.

These are just a few of the existing uses to automate feedback requests and with Zapier’s hundreds of apps you can explore the connection right for you.

Automate Actions After Receiving Customer Feedback

While automating customers into GatherUp is a very popular use of Zapier, it doesn’t stop there.  You can maximize efficiency with connect GatherUp to platforms like HelpScout and Gmail.

  • Populate happy or unhappy customers from GetFiveStars into HelpScout
  • Send emails from Gmail after a customer leaves feedback with GatherUp

See Some Of Our Existing Zaps Below



We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.