Case Study: Adamson Ahdoot Works with GatherUp to Enhance Social Proof

Adamson Ahdoot LLP is a California-based law firm specializing in securing the best possible outcome for their clients and helping them on the road to recovery. They handle a wide variety of personal injury claims and tirelessly fight for the compensation that each claimant deserves. 

They combine the personalized attention of a small law firm with the knowledge and expertise of a large firm to secure the best possible outcome. They handle all aspects of civil litigation from the inception of the case through trial. 

In this case study, we’ll evaluate how Adamson Ahdoot was able to leverage GatherUp’s reputation management software to increase the number of reviews they receive, better market themselves, and respond to feedback more consistently. 

Adamson Ahdoot had already tried other reputation management software

Before coming to GatherUp, Adamson Ahdoot had been using another reputation management software. 

For that reason, they were looking to test out the software before fully committing.

“GatherUp was able to put a test plan together so that we didn’t have to jump in with two feet straight away. We could date and then get married.”

Hank Cohen –  Chief Marketing Officer.

Like many other local businesses, they found reputation management time-consuming and hadn’t found the ideal solution that would seamlessly work with their CRM and other key tools.

As with other systems they already use, their hope was to use technology as an advantage against the competition. 

Ultimately they were so happy with the GatherUp reputation management platform that they decided to go the full way and metaphorically “get married” sooner than expected. 

Using reputation management software to organize their review strategy

By introducing a reputation management plan, Adamson Ahdoot found that they could easily organize their 1st and 3rd-party reviews.

Ultimately this provided insights into their client base and how they could improve their business offering. 

Filtering reviews by language 

Adamson Ahdoot not only serves English-speaking clients, in fact, 35% of their client base is Hispanic. Currently, they have English and Spanish versions of their website. 

For that reason, the law firm needed a solution that could filter reviews by language for their bilingual site. 

They wanted reviews written in English to be displayed on their English web pages, while those in Spanish to appear on the Spanish section of their site:

Using GatherUp filters, they could easily opt to organize current and new reviews by language. That way that when a Hispanic client enters their Spanish website, they see the reviews written in Spanish:

The language filters also mean that the firm can automatically send out review requests in the client’s language. 

By ensuring clients receive review requests in the correct language they improve their review response rates. More reviews mean more valuable feedback and more opportunities for improving their customer experience.

Powerful integrations streamline their operations

The attorneys also wanted the ability to integrate their daily tech stack within their reputation management software. 

In fact, a Zapier integration in GatherUp was a key part of why they chose the software. This integration sorts customers into different buckets within GatherUp, so the firm can be sure the right communications are reaching the right clients.

They currently have 12 different customer profiles within GatherUp, enabling them to customize their communication to each profile type.

A Salesforce integration was also a priority. As soon as cases are marked closed within Salesforce, feedback requests are automatically sent to clients. 

Automating client review requests

Automating their feedback request process means the firm always sends out requests promptly after case completion.

As a result, they’ve seen a big increase in 3rd-party reviews, specifically on Google, Facebook, and the like. 

For their main GMB page, Adamson Ahdoot has 93 reviews and multiple detailed reviews: 

Their review requests are also successfully generating thoughtful, detailed responses which will be invaluable to potential clients choosing between law firms: 

Screenshot of Adamson Ahdoot Detailed Google Review

Detailed reviews like the ones above have also helped the firm understand which parts of their offering clients are most satisfied with. Specific mentions of case managers help incentivize team members and encourage them to keep up the good work.

Multiple positive Google reviews will also help Adamson Ahdoot improve their ranking in local Google searches too, helping more potential clients find them. 

On Facebook, they have also received positive and detailed recommendations: 

Widgets enable them to display reviews on different sections of the website

As we know, reviews are an essential source of social proof. Positive reviews containing details about team members and specific services are particularly valuable for improving a business’s credibility. 

For that reason, Adamson Ahdoot uses GatherUp widgets to display reviews across different parts of their site. Potential clients are able to read reviews on the homepage, landing pages, and service sections:

Screenshot of Adamson Ahdoot Review Widget
Adamson Ahdoot displaying their reviews on their main Testimonials page
Screenshot of Adamson Ahdoot Tag Widget
Each Adamson Ahdoot location page displays reviews specific to that office.

Using the Business Dashboard to manage review responses

Within the Business Dashboard, they can use filters to see which reviews have already been responded to, enabling them to efficiently respond to those needing a reply. 

Additionally, every time there’s a new 3rd-party review, they receive a notification alerting them to the review. 

This means they never have to worry about missing a review and forgetting to reply to it. As we know replying to online reviews forms a fundamental part of any online reputation management strategy. 

In fact, 86% of consumers read reviews for local businesses (including 95% of people aged 18-34.)

Over 55% of survey respondents expect a business to reply to a review within 1 day and over 30% expect a response within 3 days.

Since setting up new review alerts, they’ve been able to promptly thank people for their kind words as well as address any negative feedback as soon as it’s written. 

With totally customizable fields and filters, Adamson Ahdoot has set up a profile for each of their 6 locations, enabling them to localize review requests and address what is going well and what requires improvement in each location. 

Additional fields allow them to see their review request open rate, how many were received, and how many new 3rd-party reviews they got for a particular location. 

Visual reports help identify trends within the law firm

Using the Impact Report, the firm can see which words appear in their customer reviews with positive and negative sentiments. With just a quick glance, users can see that reviews mentioning the words “case”, “Alex, or “team” are generally positive:

Screenshot of Adamson Ahdoot Law Insights Report

This visual graph is a helpful starting point for Adamson Ahdoot to understand where their clients feel satisfied and which areas of the business require improvement. 

Similarly, the Success Report gives the firm a visual overview of their customers’ satisfaction levels. They can see their NPS score, their total review count, number of new reviews, and breakdowns for different 3rd-party and 1st-party sites:

Consistent support helps Adamson Adhoot make the most of GatherUp

When Adamson Adhoot decided to try GatherUp, they were led through an extensive onboarding process which helped them learn how to use different features and tools. 

“We were surprised by the level of training, support, and attention that was given to us. They were very responsive to feature requests. The team has been very responsive the whole way.”

Hank Cohen – Chief Marketing Officer 

Given the close communication and training sessions, Adamson Adhoot has also been able to express their own feature requests to improve their workflow. As a result, GatherUp is looking into further possible Zapier functions.

Adamson Adhoot uses reputation management to optimize their social proof

By using GatherUp reputation management software, the law firm has increased their number of 1st-party and 3rd-party reviews and enabled clients to more easily offer feedback and see it across their site. 

These reviews not only enhance their social proof and credibility but also help them improve their customer experience.

Looking to boost your social proof and improve your customer experience? Schedule a consultation with us today. 

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