Introducing Survey Questions

We are excited to announce the release of Survey Questions, a new feature to GetFiveStars. In addition to capturing Net Promoter Score, your business can now survey your customers with up to 4 survey questions to learn even more about your customers.

survey questions mobile

More Questions, Still Simple

GetFiveStars has always been focused on simple and fast customer feedback and we don’t want to stray away from that.  We’ll never be Survey Monkey or a platform that allows you to ask 20 consumers questions.  We do see the value in understanding a little more about your customer.

You can add up to 4 survey questions in addition to the NPS question on the Feedback Landing Page and find out how customers feel about your prices, service, quality, professionalism and more.  You decide what you want to ask.

survey question

All of the survey questions will be on the same 0-10 rating scale for the customer, keeping things streamlined and straightforward.  For each survey question you will be able to edit:

  • The question
  • The value of a 0 rating (low) and the value of a 10 rating (high), 5 remains neutral
  • The “keyword” of the question to label the reporting column
  • The order of the survey questions (drag and drop)

With Net Promoter Score at the heart of our platform, the “would you recommend” question will always remain on the page and will always be in the top spot.

Easy Steps To Adding Survey Questions

The video below shows the steps for adding survey questions to your Feedback Landing Page. Under SETTINGS, visit the new SURVEY QUESTIONS choice on the drop down menu and then add one or more survey questions and settings.

Give this great new addition to our platform a spin and learn even more about your customers and how you can deliver a customer experience across the board worthy of a 5-star rating.

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We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.