Social Sharing Images Benefit More Than Social Media

GatherUp’s Social Sharing feature allows you to create visually engaging social media content in just a few clicks for Facebook, Twitter, Google Posts, and Instagram. Easily turn any of your existing great reviews into an eye-catching marketing element.

Google review
Example of Social Sharing for a lawn care business, turning reviews into beautiful images.

Where you can leverage these visuals to build trust doesn’t stop with social media. Let’s look at a couple of ideas of where you can bring the benefit of your customer’s voice into other aspects of your digital marketing.

Using Visual Reviews On Your Website

Getting a website visitor and prospect from interest to conversion is the goal of your site. Using elements to form trust greatly impacts that journey for the customer and visual reviews added to a page can do just that.

Apollo Glass has dedicated pages on their website for their services like shower doors and auto glass. They have used a 5-star Google review regarding their auto glass services to bolster the page with a visual, star rating, and customer content. This is a great example of a trust element aiding the content of the page.

Picking the right review like our example can answer questions or address concerns a prospect might have. Apollo’s covers:

  • Easy and fast to work with
  • Handled the insurance claim process
  • Multiple experiences at the same great level and will use them again

The visual impact of our Social Sharing images is a great addition to any page, but don’t forget to first leverage our Review Widgets to bring a volume of reviews and ratings to your site and specific pages.

review widget gatherup

Share Your Customer Experiences In Your Email Marketing

Email marketing has long been pound for pound most valuable digital marketing you can do. Keeping your business front and center with your customers and updating them on your current offerings at such a low cost is incredibly valuable. Especially now.

Using your Social Sharing images from GatherUp in your email marketing is a great way to bring trust and excitement to your emails. Sharing with your customers the stories and opinions from other customers is a great strategy.

In our example below Evelyn’s Wine Bar shares a visual review that customers love their food and wine as they encourage others to order from them.

reviews in email marketing content

The options are many and most businesses are always looking for eye-catching visuals to convey their message. Having that message be from your customer is very powerful.

Social media posts often have a very short shelf-life of just minutes, hours, or days at most. Displaying your reviews as we have outlined can garner attention for a long period of time.

Reviews Keep On Giving

These examples just further our 5X Review Strategy outlining how you can use reviews over and over again to win new customers. While many businesses put all of their efforts into collecting new reviews, most are leaving tons of value on the table by not using them in their marketing.

Now you can go even further with adding visual reviews into your website and email marketing.



We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.