Generate More Online Reviews With Optimized Templates

We’ve optimized the user experience for our review request process by improving our templates in each Request Mode. Focused on the consumer mobile experience, we’ve fine-tuned spacing, sizing, content, and added auto-scrolling all aimed at generating more online reviews for your business.

The goal of this update to our review request templates is to increase engagement with an action-first approach that drives more customers to provide a Net Promoter Score®, 1st-party reviews, survey responses, and 3rd-party online reviews for your business.

Review Requests Focused on Brand and Action

We’ve paid careful attention to the user interface of our review request emails and landing pages and optimized templates to focus on brand and action. It’s important to have a great looking and great performing review request process.

We’ve fine-tuned spacing, increased button sizes, and added auto-scroll so customers won’t miss a call-to-action. This update focused on visually engaging CTA’s that are above the fold and in the first load of the screen.

These updates impact all of the ways we allow you to gather reviews including SMS, TextBack, our Feedback URL and more.

Optimized email request for Net Promoter Score®, customer feedback, and online reviews

Simplified layouts display your logo front and center for effective branding and recognition. Customers can easily identify your brand and connect to their recent experience so that they can provide top-of-mind feedback.

Optimized layouts for Ultimate Request Mode show reduced vertical spacing to ensure valuable CTA’s capture Net Promoter Score®, customer feedback, and reviews for your business

Vertical spacing has been reduced to ensure valuable CTA’s such as send feedback, Net Promoter Score, and “write a review” appear above the fold and within the available screen height of most devices.

After a response, auto-scrolling jumps a user to the next action

Auto-scrolling has been added to the mobile experience to jump your customer to the next step or question after an action has been taken. This simple assist enhances the mobile experience for survey questions and encourages survey completion. GatherUp saw mobile engagement for review requests increase from 29% in 2018 to over 35% of consumers in 2019.

Updated Default Content

The default content for emails and landing page templates in all Request Modes has been updated. We’ve shortened the content length to create space for CTA’s, directly guide customers, and put the focus on action (taps and clicks) so that it’s easy to complete the review process quickly.

The default content for email requests (and all landing pages) has been edited for length and clarity.

The context and goals of each template are the same, but we have condensed the content to be action-focused … so fewer words with the same meaning.

The default content is ready for use out-of-the-box but remains editable. You can edit the content of requests and landing pages for any mode and it’s templates via the editor in GatherUp.

Get Started

If you are not using GatherUp, sign-up today to start capturing customer experience data and online reviews with these newly optimized templates.

If you are an existing customer, the templates in your request modes have been updated. Templates with customized content remain the same. To view new default content:

To update your account to the new default content, contact our support team at [email protected].



We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.