GetFiveStars Release Notes for July 2017

Kirsty TG

Ah summertime. BBQs, hanging out at the beach, and coding up new features. That’s what we’ve been doing – adding, refining and polishing GetFiveStars. If you are a customer of ours, you know we live to add value to GetFiveStars for you every day. Here are some of the things we’ve added recently.

Social Sharing

Get the word out about your business! Our new social sharing capability makes it easy to share your testimonials on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

The sharing buttons appear automatically in your testimonials widget, making it super easy for you or your customers to share testimonials with a click of a button. Don’t worry, you get to preview it first, and we give you control over what image is shared too. (Note: You can disable social sharing in settings if you don’t want to display it).

Give it a try, and let us know what you think!

Other updates and new features

Here are some of the other changes and updates we made in June:

  • New Zapier triggers – Our Zapier integration continues to be popular, and now we’ve added several triggers so that you can integrate both ways – getting things into GetFiveStars and triggering events in other systems as well. As an example, you can now create a ZenDesk help ticket whenever a customer leaves you feedback below a certain score. These triggers open up tons of other possibilities too.
  • Add [customer feedback] tag to Kiosk mode follow-up email – More flexibility in your follow-up emails for those of you using Kiosk mode.
  • Add downloadable CSV template file in customer uploader – Now we provide a quick and easy way to download the template.
  • Add online review click and count to business level export CSV – More data for those of you who prefer to download and report in Excel (but now with our Reporting Engine you probably don’t need to unless you are a real Excel Ninja!).
  • Report in dashboard if SMS failed to send – Ok we meant to include this in the first place, but here it is. 🙂
  • Add email option to additional reports – Now, in addition to the Performance Report, you can have the system automatically send PDFs of the Online Reviews Report and the NPS Report to a list of email recipients.
  • Help bubble for tags and custom ID in Customer Profile – Guidance.
  • Auto capitalize first letter of name in Kiosk Mode – Yeah this was lame and we fixed it.
  • Add tags to alert email – More flexibility and customizations for your alert emails.

Next Up…

Here’s a sneak peak at what is coming soon:

  • Easily switch between feedback modes – Do you want to focus on getting testimonials? Do you want to get feedback on a particular area of your business with survey questions? Or do you want to go directly for Online Reviews? With this new capability you can quickly and easily switch between three different feedback modes, tuning your outputs any time you want without having to tweak settings.
  • Public testimonials page – if you don’t use our Testimonials Widget (you should!) we will make a page for you automatically, that contains your feedback and reviews and gets indexed in Google with rich snippets support.
  • JavaScript Testimonials Widget Update – We’re putting the finishing touches on a new testimonials widget that will work on any platform, including Weebly, Wix, Squarespace,, you name it, and still give you Rich Snippets in the SERPS.
  • Google Knowledge Panel snapshot report – What does your business look like in the Google Knowledge Panel? What has changed? We’ll give you a regular report alerting you to any changes.
  • Many other cool features baking in our labs – don’t worry, we are busy!

We take your ideas and feedback seriously, and love adding and improving capabilities in GetFiveStars every month. Did we miss your favorite feature or idea? Please let us know!

Attend Our Monthly Webinars To Catch It All

A great way to stay on top of these changes and learn more every month on customer feedback is by joining our webinars.  Register for our monthly webinar now.  In addition to signing up for the next one we have past webinars listed on the page as well as our YouTube Channel, which you should subscribe to.



We'll help you build a better business

Our goal is to help you connect with your customers to gain valuable insight on what’s important to them. While you happy customers will help your marketing, your unhappy customers will point out where you can improve and our system will help you communicate with them to keep them with you.